If you face an injury on the job, you’re more than likely aware that you should receive benefits. After all, your injury is only a result of some work condition… right? In most cases, worker’s comp is pretty cut and dry. However, what if you were working drunk and received your injury? You might like to think that your drinking is not what triggers the injury, however when it comes to worker’s comp, it might be just what keeps you from coverage…

Working Drunk and Got Injured: Can I Still Get Worker’s Comp?

For the most part, workers comp is a no fault deal. In short, that means you can receive workers comp no matter who is at fault for the accident. But, that does not always apply when an employee is working in a way that defies the workplace regulations.

In most cases, if you injure yourself on the job and an employer finds out you are under the influence, workers comp claims will be denied. With workers comp cases, the injury or accident needs to be the result of a job duty. For instance, consider that you’re driving a fork lift. If you crash a fork lift on the job due to working long hours or overtime shifts, this would qualify as heavy job demands which lead to an injury. However, if you crash that fork lift while working drunk, your intoxication may be the reason for your accident. In that case, it is not the demands of the job. But, rather, your lack of following protocol. In this case, you can count on being the one who pays your medical bills.

Working sober is the only way to make sure you’re safe when it comes to benefits

There’s no one that can say whether your injury was a result of the workplace, or your drinking, besides you. Not to mention, you might land yourself a DUI... But, when it comes to dishing out benefits, worker’s comp and your employer like to reserve it for those who follow the rules and still face injury. Accidents and injuries in a workplace environment are possible, and can be quite dangerous. Therefore, if something happens, you want to make sure you’re fitting the bill of a perfect employee. By doing so, you ensure that any workplace injury is exactly that, and you receive coverage as such…