The pandemic has forced people all over the world into isolation. In order to stay safe, we are being asked to stay home. For in-person support groups, this means a big change. Large groups of people are no longer safe. Therefore, in-person support groups for addiction have moved to a virtual style. Virtual support groups for addiction can still be very helpful in your recovery. Read below to find out more about what these groups are, why you might want one, and the types of groups available.

Virtual Support Groups for Addiction: Stay Connected

What is a Virtual Support Group

Virtual support groups are simply there to help people recovering from addiction by supporting them in an online community setting. Most groups like Alcoholics Anonymous, typically meet in-person. However, with the pandemic happening, they’ve moved to a virtual style. Large indoor gatherings are unsafe or not allowed anymore, so groups have moved to the online world. Whether it’s a Zoom meeting, phone calls, Skype, Google Hangout, or an online forum, there are plenty of ways to get support for your addiction online.

Why do You Need a Virtual Support Group

Virtual support groups can be very helpful with recovering from addiction because they give you access to a large network of supporters. You’ll be able to interact with coaches trained in helping with recovery. You’ll also be able to meet others who are going through a similar journey to you. This can be very helpful to connect with others. You can share your triumphs and struggles. They can also celebrate with you when you meet your goals! Virtual support groups offer you a community feeling when the world is feeling isolated. Loneliness and isolation can increase your temptation to abuse alcohol or drugs, so having a community to rely on can really help with your recovery.

Exploring Your Options

There are many options available for you, and just as many virtual support groups. You can find faith-based ones or secular ones. There are groups just for women or men. You can find support groups for alcoholism as well as drug use. Even your loved ones can find Al-Anon and Nar-Anon if they are seeking some group of their own. One positive of the groups being virtual is that it’s easy to fit a meeting into your schedule. You no longer have to worry about getting to the meeting and back. Just find a time that works and a group that suits your needs.

Virtual support groups are there to help you with your recovery during the pandemic. Don’t let isolation increase your need to drink or use drugs. Find the support you need and connect to others sharing your stresses. Remember that you still have plenty of resources at your disposal. The pandemic has been so difficult for everybody, but the loneliness it has created can be incredibly hard on your recovery. Try to utilize online support groups to help you get the support you need.