For many people struggling with addiction or depression, support groups are vital. But what happens when these support groups are no longer able to meet in person due to the pandemic? Many people have been left without their support network. Covid has been an emotionally and mentally challenging year for everyone. Because of this, the need for these support groups is stronger than ever. Luckily, there’s still other options available. Many of these groups have found creative ways to still meet in spite of Covid. If you are trying to find a support group during Covid, you are not alone. With just a little research, you will be able to find the perfect support group for you.

How-to Find a Support Group During Covid: Discover the Options


One of the most well known alcohol support groups is Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). This support group group has mainly switched to virtual or online meetings due to the pandemic. You can either create your own meeting, or find a virtual meeting on their website. AA is in a unique position as they already offered virtual meetings before the pandemic. They already hosted meetings to remote areas across the world prior to the pandemic. Also, their principle reading material was already available in a digital format. AA has such a large reach and network. If you want to go to an in-person meeting, there will be many of those available once it’s safe to have them again. If you are looking for an online support group during Covid, this is a great place to start.


Depression can have a link to alcohol and drug use. The Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA) has its own anonymous, peer-to-peer support group with over 40,000 members. It is primarily focused on anxiety and depression, but people discuss other things like OCD, ADHD, PTSD and other disorders. People use this to share their stories, ask for advice, and seek out people with similar experiences. They offer online access to the support group during Covid. You can find this support group on your desktop or download the app for iPhones.

SMART Recovery

SMART (Self-Management and Recovery Training) Recovery is an organization helps people struggling with drug, alcohol, or other addictions. Their meetings are open to anyone seeking science-based, self-empowered addiction recovery. The best part is that they are free as well! They offer more than 45 online meetings every week plus recovery tools. This is a great option for a support group during Covid. A plus is that once the world opens back up, they offer over 3000 local meetings as well.