St. Patrick’s Day is upon us, and for most (legal age) people in Charlotte and the surrounding areas— that means one thing in particular: Rich and Bennett’s Annual St. Patrick’s Day bar crawl. Saturday, March 16th is a day that most twenty and thirty- somethings have had written down in their calendars for some time now. The objective of the day is simple: good drinks, good company, and a long day of drinking in all of your favorite spots. However, there is a certain set of methods you should follow to ensure a day of fun, rather than being sick by 2:00 p.m. and back home while your friends crawl… 

St. Patrick’s Day Bar Crawl in the QC: Crawling Smart & Getting Home Safe

1: Kick crawl day off with a hearty meal 

There’s no more important piece to your St. Patrick’s Day bar crawl puzzle than a hearty plate of food in the morning. Consider french toast, hash browns, avocado toast, or a big breakfast sandwich. Many people will decide to go light because they want to feel what they’re drinking. However, when it comes to a day of bar crawling— take it slow. The crawl runs from 12:00 to 10:00 p.m.. Don’t take yourself out of the race too quickly. 

2: Don’t start with liquor

While the drink specials set for the St. Patrick’s Day bar crawl leave room for you to spend plenty of money on liquor— consider letting liquor take a backseat on the early leg of your crawl. Getting your money’s worth out of the bar crawl— and also making it last, likely will not start with a liquor diet. Have a good breakfast, start with a low ABV beer— like those green aluminum Bud Light cans…

3: Keep your friends close 

There will come a time in every crawlers day that the alcohol catches up to them. It’s important that you are not all by your lonesome when that time comes. The St. Patrick’s Day bar crawl puts you in a unique situation to be surrounded by people who are feeling just like you. However, it also presents an easy opportunity for those preying on drunk people. Whether it be to rob you, kidnap you, or something else— being drunk and on your own is always a recipe for disaster. Make it your rule of thumb to stick in groups of at least two, preferably three or more. 

4: Make end-of-the-night plans

When you make plans for the St. Patrick’s Day bar crawl festivities, make your evening plans part of it. Whether those plans include finding a place to stay in the city, designating a driver, taking the light Rail, a cab, Uber, Lyft… The key is to make plans, and stick with them until the end. By doing so, you are taking one extra step towards avoiding issue or DUI.