Social alcohol use is an activity that many people take part in around the United States. However, not everyone knows exactly what defines this type of drinking. Understanding this definition can help you keep your drinking at a responsible level…

Social Alcohol Use: What’s the Definition?

Know the limits

The definition of social alcohol use is someone having between 1 to 14 drinks per week. This drinking is measured within the “standard” drink measurements. Social drinking is also more lower-risk than other forms of drinking.

Problem drinking occurs when someone begins going past these limits. Problem drinking also usually tends to coincide with binge drinking, which is having 4 or more drinks in two hours. Once this kind of drinking becomes common, it can quickly lead into alcoholism.

Potential issues

While social alcohol use is described as “low-risk”, that doesn’t mean it can’t come with health risks. “Low-risk” just means that you’re not at as much risk for alcohol-related health problems like heavy drinkers are. However, it’s still good to be aware of the health risks that alcohol can bring.

Drinking can cause problems with blood pressure and the heart itself. It can also lead to issues with sleeping, causing you to feel more tired more often. Drinking can also lead to problems with your stomach, liver, and kidneys too, impacting their overall functions.

Drink safely

Despite the risks, you can still take steps to be safe while social alcohol use. Staying hydrated before and while drinking can help reduce the negative effects of alcohol. Eating before drinking also helps with this. Spreading your drinks out over the course of a night also help with preventing over-consumption of alcohol.

You should also avoid drinking if it causes problems with medication you’re taking. Furthermore, try to take days off from drinking to give your body a break. These break days will help you moderate your drinking and lower the risk of damage to your body.

Social alcohol use is a good way to enjoy drinking in a healthy manner. However, it’s important to know to not go overboard. You should make sure that your drinking is still within the responsible levels to avoid those adverse effects.