Drug addiction can be an addiction to prescription drugs or street drugs. There are signs of drug addiction that you can watch out for in yourself and others. It can be hard to see a problem because addiction can begin slowly. Knowing you are starting down a dangerous path can make you more aware. Hopefully, this awareness can help you address the problem early. If you see these signs in others, hopefully, you can begin getting them the help they need.

Signs of Drug Addiction: Physical and Emotional

Signs of Drug Addition in Yourself

There are physical signs of drug addiction that you can see in yourself. You might have bloodshot eyes or notice your skin feeling very dry. You also might notice that you often have bad breath. In addition, shaking or feeling the need to scratch yourself can be other signs. Bloody noses are also common. Drug use can change your appetite significantly, either making you lose your hunger or be constantly hungry. And finally, it can change your sleep patterns and make it more difficult to stay asleep. If you notice any of these warning signs, think about if your drug use might be getting to be excessive.

There are also emotional and behavioral signs of drug addiction. If you feel like you are always thinking about drugs it is a concern. Your tolerance might increase too, which means that you need more drugs to feel the effects. If you realize that you are hiding your drug use from family and friends it could also be a warning sign. And of course, if you feel like you cannot stop using drugs even if you wanted to, that can be a danger. Suffering withdrawal symptoms when you are not using, like nausea or shaking might mean that you are taking drugs too often.

Signs of Drug Addition in Others

Seeing the physical signs of drug addiction in others is similar to seeing them in yourself. Except that sometimes, people try to hide their symptoms if they’re aware of their drug problem. If you notice marks on a friend’s arms start paying attention to their other symptoms. Extreme lethargy, or tiredness, and changes in appetite are things to look out for in your friends. Along with the other classic symptoms above, just be on the lookout for anything unusual if you suspect a loved one might have a drug problem.

Watching out for the emotional signs of drug addiction in others can be tricky too. Changes in behavior or mood can be a warning sign. Drug users can often become aggressive or moody. Also, if a friend no longer seems interested in things they used to care about, it could be a sign of drug use. Finally, if you notice that they’ve started hanging out with a new group of friends with similar behavior, then maybe take note. All of these things can be symptoms to look for in a loved one you suspect of drug use.

Hopefully, you’ll be able to spot signs of drug addiction in yourself or others with these tips. Drug addiction can start even with prescribed medication, so don’t be ashamed if you need help quitting. If you can get help or get your friends to help early on, there will be more successful with quitting the habit. Don’t be afraid to reach out to others for support.