Because folks frequently travel for work and play, many clients are from another State and get DWI charges here. So what are the out of state license DUI issues?

Out of State License DUI Issues in North Carolina

out of state license duiWhile most of our clients live here in Charlotte, we also represent people from other areas of the country. One of the first issues we usually encounter is how to get back their out of State license. Although police have no legal authority to keep it, they almost always do. Rather than make it an issue, we tell clients to go online and request a replacement license. However, you should act quickly as North Carolina may place an administrative hold after posting your charges. Although North Carolina can suspend your driving privileges here, your driver’s license is valid everywhere else. So don’t argue with the officer. Instead, let us handle this issue for you.

So What Are Your Options?

Following arrest, North Carolina suspends your driving privileges for 30 days. However, if you act within 10 days, you can challenge the DMV suspension. More importantly, you save $300 in costs, and you can drive without any restrictions. While it does require a court appearance, this is clearly the quickest option to get you back on the road. On the other hand, if you wait longer than 10 days, you must apply for a limited driving privilege. Although it restricts when you can drive, a LDP is better than nothing and lasts up to 20 days. And finally, if you do nothing, you pay $100 at the end of 30 days to get your license back. Because a DWI involves both DMV and criminal charges, this just covers the DMV part. Now, we turn our attention to the more serious criminal matter and whether the State can prove you guilty.

So call 704-351-7979 now and let’s start your defense.