Social drinking is an activity that we, as legal age adults, have the opportunity to take advantage of. Whether you do it with friends, family, on holidays, or at sporting events— social drinking, looks a certain way. When you consider your drinking habits, you might begin to consider whether your drinking could be problematic— or if it falls in a healthy range. We all have the freedom to drink in whatever capacity we want. However, we urge you to consider taking part in low-risk drinking.

Low-risk drinking merely acknowledges your body, your safety, and encourages you to honor those things with your drinking habits. No one is saying quit cold turkey. Instead, we’re saying drink mindfully… 

Low-risk Drinking: Sipping Mindfully 

First things first, you have to understand what exactly your body’s limits are 

Everyone is different, and while there are standards of low-risk drinking set for each gender— it comes down to your individual body. The standard to keep in mind is that, in general, the rule of thumb for men is four or less standard drinks in a day— less than 14 drinks a week. For women, the rule is 3 drinks per day— 7 drinks per week. 

While your body is a bit different than everyone around you, there is another reason for such a spike downwards in terms of women’s consumption. According to the NIAAA, women have the potential to develop alcohol-related issues at a lower consumption rate than men do. Keep in mind that those ‘rules’ on low-risk drinking only occur to avoiding problematic drinking. They do not in any way reflect your BAC level. 

Low-risk drinking benefits 

Quite obviously, the less you drink— the happier your liver is going to be. In short, heavy drinking has the potential to lead to liver problems, even failure over time. By reducing your alcohol intake and staying hydrated— you’ll keep your liver more healthy over time. 

Furthermore, by taking part in low-risk drinking, or even decreasing it further than that— you will reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke. Drinking raises your blood pressure, and the toxicity of alcohol can affect heart health over time. Therefore, quite obviously, limiting your intake can help you avoid some of those issues that come with prolonged alcohol use. 

Remember that every body is different, and low-risk doesn’t equal no risk 

Alcohol impacts your body depending on age, weight, health issues, prescription use, and so forth. Therefore, low-risk drinking must become a term that you think of critically. Low-risk for you might be a bit different than the six-foot tall man to your left. 

Furthermore, low-risk drinking does not mean anything in terms of BAC. If you’re stopped by police under suspected drinking and driving, ‘I participated in low-risk drinking,’ is not going to get you off the hook. There are certain situations where alcohol should be limited, avoided, or enjoyed with friends. Be aware of your surroundings, your plans for getting home, and your limits.