The Gastonia Police Department recently received money and equipment from state grants to improve traffic enforcement.  The grants came from the North Carolina Governor’s Highway Safety Program.  The contributions to the department include money to be part of the motorcycle safety program, equipment specific to highway safety, and mobile printers with paper.

The motorcycle safety program was funded by the BikeSafe grant and gave the department $71,800.  This will allow the department to purchase two police motorcycles with equipment as well as training for officers to become involved in the motorcycle unit.  The department received $17,000 to use for equipment to be used for the highway safety program.  The department will earn points for various events such as DWI checkpoint, which can be cashed in for additional equipment at the end of the year.  The amount of funding contributed for the mobile printers was $27,400.

In total the police department received $116,200 in money and equipment in an effort to make the roads safer for residents in Gaston County.

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