Getting a DWI on legal drugs is actually quite possible, and even common. When you hear the term DWI or DUI, you likely think solely of drinking and driving. While this is definitely the most common cause for DWI charges, it is not the only reason for receiving those charges. In fact, there are many over-the-counter drugs and prescriptions that can lead to a impaired deriving charge, if you choose to drive with them in your system.

DWI on Legal Drugs: It is Possible

That medication you have, could be perfectly legal but still result in a DUI. Ultimately, the law requires that a driver is on the public roadway and under the influence of any impairing substance. Therefore, legal drugs of any sort can still lead to issues if you are stopped for any reason. We’ve seen these cases come up with celebrities and athletes in the past, such as Tiger Woods. 

Medications come with side effects

Many medications, no matter how minor, come with a range of side effects. Those side effects can go from nausea, slowed motor skills, blurred vision, drowsiness, lack of coordination— ultimately, if you can name it, it’s probably a side effect of some medication. And if you combine any one of these with driving? It can lead to trouble for you, as well as other drivers. Next thing you know, that pain medication you took a little bit of is landing you in court and with a DUI conviction.

Unfortunate, unintentional, yet still possible

There are people who drive under the influence deliberately, and others who merely make a bad judgement call. Taking a necessary medication, and driving, falls into that judgement zone. In order to prevent these types of DWI on your account, speak with your doctor. Take the medicine as prescribed, discuss the risks of driving on the medication, and any other side effects for your own safety. It’s also important to remember that every body, and it’s reaction, are different. So, even if the doctor does not communicate any risk— exercise caution when using the medicine until you understand how it effects you. Furthermore, never drink on medication, and find a designated driver if you plan on doing so. Medication and alcohol don’t mix, especially with driving. So, drive smart, drive sober, and speak with your doctor about medication risks.