A man from Morganton, who has previously had is licensed revoked, was recently arrested when he was found driving with a BAC level three times above the legal limit of charlotte-mecklenburg-dwi-legal-helpan 0.8.

It was August 2, when the 53-year-old was driving his Jeep Cherokee on Taylorsville Highway, and was subsequently apprehended by a Sergeant who was part of the “Aggressive Criminal Enforcement Team.”

The Sergeant reported to of seen the man swerving for almost a mile before he put his blue lights on and requested that the defendant pull his vehicle over to the shoulder of the highway.

The defendant has admitted that his license was previously revoked, due to two previous DWI charges. The defendant was also found to have two un-served warrants for failing to appear before the court for his previous DWI charges.

The defendant was given two breath-tests (also called ” the breathalyzer) to determine that his BAC was at an astonishing .26.

Thus, he was arrested and charged with not only the DWI, but also driving while license revoked, and will here on out be considered a “Habitual Offender.”

In North Carolina, once a defendant is charged with the same offenses (in this case, DWIs), his sentence is elevated and he is thusly considered a “Habitual Offender.” North Carolina employs what is commonly referred to as the “three-strike rule” for this particular law.

If you have been charged with a DWI, contact the law offices of Robert J. Reeves, P.C. toll-free at 877-374-5999 for more information on your possible options.