DWI detection and enforcement is in high gear this week as law enforcement agencies around the state of North Carolina are targeting intoxicated drivers over the holiday week. Agencies across the state have already started setting up checkpoints and targeted patrols to detect and stop intoxicated drivers. The campaign that is running through the week is named the “Operation Firecracker” Booze It and Lose It campaign. Law enforcement agencies typically run these types of campaigns during holiday seasons throughout the year.

The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department kicked off the campaign by setting up a DWI checkpoint last weekend. The checkpoint was set up at Park Road and Kenilworth Avenue and ran from 11 pm until 3 am. During the operation of the checkpoint police filed several charges. Out of the arrests that were made 8 were for DWI.  Police issued a total of 46 charges, including driving on a suspended license and several traffic charges.

The campaign was run the same time last year and resulted in 1,937 DWI charges throughout North Carolina. The numbers from this year’s campaign will likely be released shortly after the campaign concludes.

If you should find yourself in a situation where you have been charged with a DWI you need to contact an attorney who has the experience and knowledge necessary to handle your case with the care it deserves. We defend DWIs and DUIs in Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, Pineville, Cornelius, Huntersville, Lake Norman, Pineville, Matthews, Mint Hill, and UNCC. For a private, confidential consultation with one of our experienced DWI lawyers, please call 704-499-9000 or toll-free 877-374-5999 even on weekends or holidays. Visit our main page here.