If you receive a driver’s license revocation as a result of DWI charges, it can last for a quite a long period time. For most working-age people, losing your license can be pretty detrimental to your quality of life, and employment opportunities. On top of already stressful situations, you are left to figure out how exactly you’ll be getting to and from work. So, where do I go from here? And how do I adjust to this new way of life I’ll be stuck in for a while now?

Driver’s License Revocation: Adjusting, Making Changes, and Getting to Work

Getting to work

One of the most pressing challenges is how to get back and forth from work everyday. After all, you need to pay for this whole process somehow. If the court chooses not to provide you with a temporary license, you’ll have to ask for a ride or use a ride service of some sort. This can quite obviously bring a lot of stress to you, and the people around you who will have to help. Furthermore, if you have a job that requires driving, you might not be able to maintain that employment.

Running Errands

When you lose your license, running simple errands can be impossible. Going to the doctor, running to the store, and picking up a pizza are no longer within reach. As a family member, this may bring your busy group down to one car. And if you are single, you may find it hard to keep a reliable ride.

Adjusting to the Loss

While this can be one of the most frustrating parts of a DWI charge, you will learn to adjust in time. After some time, you may find a routine and adjust to not having the same freedoms. In addition, it is important to remember that the situation is temporary. Although it can last for a significant amount of time, and may feel like forever, it is not permanent. By following all the guidelines and meeting your state’s requirements, you can have your license again.