by Aaron Lee | Jul 11, 2013 | General
Earlier in the year news broke that Tim Newman, who was the chief executive of the Charlotte Regional Visitor’s Authority, was arrested and charged with DWI. His case was recently heard in Mecklenburg District court. The judge dismissed the DWI charge against him. The...
by Aaron Lee | Jul 11, 2013 | General
An informant gives the police a tip on criminal activity in return for a deal on his own behalf. Police take this single tip then bust a major crime syndicate through breaking down doors, chasing bad guys, and finding the subject of the tip. All this makes for a great...
by Aaron Lee | Jul 11, 2013 | General
There has been a lot of discussion among law makers in North Carolina about toughening up our state’s DWI laws. The opinions are split as to how tough North Carolina’s DWI laws are already. One side of the argument is that those who drive intoxicated need to face...
by Aaron Lee | Jul 11, 2013 | General
As summer is heating up so are patrols by law enforcement to detect and stop people who boating while intoxicated. Law enforcement around the country is gearing up for Operation Dry Water which occurs during the summer to crack down on BUI’s on the water. The goal of...
by Aaron Lee | Jul 11, 2013 | General
A man in Charlotte has been charged with felony possession of drugs with intent to distribute and misdemeanor possession of drug paraphernalia after a traffic stop. Charlotte Mecklenburg officers with the Gang Unit stopped the vehicle on April 5 on Westerwood Drive....
by Aaron Lee | Jul 11, 2013 | General
The Supreme Court was recently asked to decide whether police officers should be required to get a search warrant before making a DWI suspect submit to a blood test. They released their decision this past week in the case of Missouri v. McNeely. The Court held that...