How-to Handle a DUI Checkpoint

Have you ever come up on a roadblock for a DUI checkpoint while on the road? Police officers use these checkpoints to spot DUI offenders. These are usually random checks, and often take place late at night or on major roadways. Oftentimes, you will see police officers...

DUI Stop Mistakes

If you have made this mistake of drinking and driving, there’s a chance you will get pulled over by law enforcement under the suspicion of a DUI. If this is the case, there are some mistakes you could make during your stop that would make things worse for you and your...

DUI Penalties: Understanding Your Offense

DUI charges can be costly. Of course, this is to make it clear how dangerous drunk driving is. Knowing what kind of DUI penalties people face can help you make the right decision when it comes to possibly driving after drinking… DUI Penalties: Know What’s...

Post-DUI Expenses

Certainly, you’ve heard of the high price tag a DUI comes with. The national average for a DUI is $10,000. However, does that include the residual expenses you will definitely encounter? Probably not. There are a wide variety of post-DUI expenses that some might not...

Remain Silent: DUI Stop

When you are stopped on suspicion of a DUI, the police have just that to go on— suspicion. Suspicion of a DUI only means that they have a notion of your condition. The way you react, communicate, and carry yourself can go on to incriminate you, and lead to a DUI...

Preventing Hangovers: Avoiding that Headache

When it comes to drinking, it’s all fun and games until the next morning. Then, the hangover can pack a serious punch. Some people experience severe headaches and nausea that can last all day. For others, a hangover may include their overall body feeling bad and...