Staying Hydrated & Preventing Hangover

Being hungover is absolutely one of the worst parts about a night of fun. You wake up in the morning, and regret ever having taken a sip of alcohol. However, what you might not realize—- is that your hangover is preventable, and you can still have fun. But… how?...

Driving Hungover: Risky Return Home?

We’ve all had to make the drive of shame after a long night of drinking. The next morning, your friend takes you to the parking lot or driveway where you left your car. You’re barely able to hold your head up as you stumble into the driver’s seat and hope to find a...

Scooting While Intoxicated: Alternative DUI’s

Most cities have the new motorized scooters that you can rent by the minute through a mobile app. These scooters are a fun, efficient way to get around town without ordering an Uber or calling a cab. What many fail to realize is that these scooters are considered...

The Standard Field Sobriety Test (SFST) 

While we tend to have many ideas of what a field sobriety test might look like thanks to TV and movies, there is a standardized test from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. If a person is driving erratically, a police officer might pull them over to...