by Aaron Lee | Mar 18, 2023 | DUI & DWI, Felony DUI
When it comes to drinking, alcohol can dull our senses. It can make us feel that our behavior is totally normal, while others around us can clearly tell that we are intoxicated. This is normally the case when it comes to drinking and driving. You may believe you are...
by Aaron Lee | Mar 11, 2023 | DUI & DWI, Post-DUI Life
As the warm weather approaches, travel plans might commence. Did you know a DUI conviction can change those plans? When traveling internationally, you’ll need to consider your destination’s rules on criminal records. Keep in mind that certain countries have tough...
by Aaron Lee | Feb 18, 2023 | Alcoholism, DUI & DWI
It is not uncommon for someone to start substituting addiction with one thing for another addiction. This falls in line with the idea that an addiction is a disease. Many people believe that once someone has entered into or completed treatment for an addiction, they...
by Kelsey Keeton | Feb 2, 2023 | Criminal law, DUI & DWI
Preparing for your DWI court appearance in advance is important if you want to put the best step forward in front of a judge. Your appearance and conduct in court are a big part of making the best first impression. Prepare for the proceedings by hiring an experienced...
by Aaron Lee | Jan 8, 2023 | Criminal Defense, DUI & DWI
Taking breathalyzer tests can be a pretty startling experience. One moment, you’re in the bar— having fun with friends. The next, you jump behind the wheel of your car, get pulled over, and now here you are. Maybe you only drank two beers, but much quicker than...
by Aaron Lee | Jan 2, 2023 | DUI & DWI
If you know someone who smokes marijuana, you’ve likely heard them say once or twice that smoking doesn’t affect their driving. They claim that they’d never drive drunk, but stoned driving? Not a second thought. But is there any truth to the claim...