The PBT (portable breath testing device) is commonly used by law enforcement officers to obtain a sample of someone’s breath to determine what BAC level he or she has.  These portable devices are most often used during a traffic stop on the side of the road.  A common...

Visual speed estimates and Probable Cause

A popular question that often comes when discussing probable cause for a traffic stop is can a police officer stop someone based only on a visual estimate of their speed?  In the Fourth Circuit that question appeared to be answered in the case of United States v....

Odor of alcohol in DWI cases

The odor of alcohol alone is not enough to support a conviction of DWI and is not enough by itself to justify probable cause to arrest.  It is not illegal to drive after drinking, it is just illegal to drive while impaired which in North Carolina impairment is a BAC...

Burden of Proof in DWI

During a trial for DWI the State does have the burden of proving all the essential elements of the crime including that the defendant was intoxicated.  This element can be proven in a variety of different ways and does not necessarily mean the State has to show the...

Officer testimony in DWI cases

The majority of DWI cases that are heard in court are dependent on the arresting officer’s testimony.  It is the officer’s testimony that will often establish the defendant was impaired at the time he or she was operating a motor vehicle.  Generally the officer must...