Dismissal of DWI Charge Despite a High BAC Reading

If you were arrested for DWI and took the breathalyzer test then the police told you what BAC you blew.  If you blew a .08 or above you may feel done for.  Most of us know if you blow a .08 or above then you can be charged with a DWI.  It is true that at trial the...

Multiple Breath Samples during DWI Breath Test

When someone is arrested for DWI he or she is usually taken to the police station to submit to a breath test. The breath test that is administered at the police station is the test that is required to be taken under the implied consent law in North Carolina.  During...

Parole for a Level 1 DWI Conviction

In North Carolina if someone is convicted of a level 1 DWI he or she may receive 24 months in prison.   He or she should be eligible for parole after 2.4 months as long as he or she receives a full award of good time credit and has gone to substance abuse treatment...

Anonymous Tips and Reasonable Suspicion

On 7/3/2012 the NC Court of Appeals reversed the decision of State v. Harwood regarding an anonymous tip amounting to reasonable suspicion for the police to make a seizure.  In the original decision it was held that police were justified in handcuffing a Defendant...