DWI Conviction and Parole

In North Carolina if someone is convicted of a level 1 DWI he or she may receive 24 months in prison.   He or she should be eligible for parole after 2.4 months as long as he or she receives a full award of good time credit and has gone to substance abuse treatment...

Officer Misconduct and Testimony

In criminal cases that rely heavily on a police officer’s testimony the honesty and credibility of the officer is highly important.  After all if the fate of a defendant rests in the hands of the testimony of an officer it is crucial that the officer is honest in...

What do the BAC numbers mean?

  When it comes to DWI nearly everyone is familiar with what the limit for your BAC (blood alcohol content) level limit is….08%.  However a curious question is what does that really mean?  We all know the dangers of drinking and driving as it is common...