North Carolina authorizes the use of continuous alcohol monitoring systems (CAM) to monitor the alcohol use of someone on probation for the most serious DWI. The CAM is placed on a person’s ankle and transmits readings that indicate alcohol use. This was authorized...

What to do if stopped after drinking

So maybe you have had a couple drinks with friends and you don’t feel intoxicated while driving to your destination…but then you see blue lights in your rear view mirror.  The feeling of panic consumes you and you begin to contemplate what should you do?  Will the...

How BAC is Measured

When it comes to DWI nearly everyone is familiar with what the limit for your BAC (blood alcohol content) level limit is….08%.  However a curious question is what does that really mean?  We all know the dangers of drinking and driving as it is common knowledge. ...

Supressing Evidence in a DWI case

Generally in any criminal case an attorney while file motions during trial in order to suppress evidence.  There are various reasons evidence may be suppressed depending on each individual case.  Once a motion is filed the judge will make a decision as to whether the...

DWI and Intoxilyzer Test Process

If police pull someone over and suspect the driver is intoxicated the officer will ask the driver to complete field sobriety testing. After the field sobriety testing the officer may ask the driver to blow into an alco-sensor to determine what the driver’s BAC (blood...

Law Enforcement Jurisdiction and DWI

Law enforcement officers have jurisdiction generally only in the area they are employed, such as city officer have jurisdiction in the city they work in and state patrol officers have jurisdiction around the state.  North Carolina statute 15A-402 sets out the rules of...