How Habitual DWI is Different

One of the most serious types of DWI charges anyone can face is a Habitual DWI charge.  If you are facing this charge, you should seriously consider getting a lawyer, because you are facing very harsh penalties.  So how does a person get charged with Habitual DWI?  He...

New Years DUI | Charlotte DWI Attorney

Don’t Start the Year with a New Years Charlotte DUI  The holiday season is winding down. We’ve had Thanksgiving and then Christmas. And now, we have New Years to look forward to. Some of the best parties are always at New Years. Some folks are nostalgic...

National Advocacy for DUI Defense | Robert J. Reeves

Charlotte DWI Attorney Robert J. Reeves inducted into the National Advocacy for DUI Defense LLC  The National Advocacy for DUI Defense, LLC (NAFDD) is an organization founded to help those individuals charged with DUI or DWI find legal representation. The group is...