Answering for Potential DUI? You have Options!

Being pulled over when you’ve been drinking is a nerve-racking experience. It may be for a faulty tail light, a forgotten vehicle registration, or a rolled stop sign. But, regardless of the reasoning, you know that you’re in the wrong in more ways than...

State Jurisdiction: Do the Rules Ever Bend? 

The United States is unique in that we are a nation composed of fifty individual states. These states have their own identities, governments, laws, agencies, and officials. As a result of the way we do things, the Federal government does not have the right to impose...

The Benefits Of Remaining Silent During DUI Stop

When you’re involved in a DUI stop, you might not know what your best option is. Do I admit fault? Do I lie? Remaining silent during a DUI stop may be the best option for you. Although an officer may wait to read you your Miranda Warnings, you still have the...

Responsible Beverage Service: Reducing DUI Cases

It’s likely that, a time or two, you’ve been a bit too drunk at the bar and kept going. You’re slurring, staggering, and maybe you just ordered one or two more. Without a second thought, the busy bartenders pours you up a drink, prints your tab, and...