College Drinking

College is a time for students to explore themselves. From career paths, to new friends, organizations, and even parties… There’s no denying that every person who goes away to college will experiment in a number of different things— one of which is typically drinking....

Reducing Alcohol Intake: Tips for Drinking Less

For the new year, you may decide it’s time to cut back on your alcohol intake. Perhaps your drinking habits have become a problem and you feel it’s best to slow down. Or maybe you just want to focus on your health, and reducing alcohol intake is a great way to do...

Avoid Holiday Drunk Drivers

Statistics show that the holidays are the prime season for drunk drivers. Around this time of the year, there’s a huge increase in DUI arrests and drunk driving accidents. Therefore, you may want to take this into consideration when you plan your holiday travels....

Preventing Hangovers: Avoiding that Headache

When it comes to drinking, it’s all fun and games until the next morning. Then, the hangover can pack a serious punch. Some people experience severe headaches and nausea that can last all day. For others, a hangover may include their overall body feeling bad and...

Drinking Game Dangers

Just about anything can be more fun when you make a game out of it, and drinking is no exception. Most anyone who enjoys a drink, has a favorite drinking game. From flip cup to beer bong, drinking games make a competition out of your alcohol. However, as much fun as...

Post-DUI Decisions: Lifestyle Improvement 

After receiving a DUI, you often begin to reevaluate changes that you need to make in your life. Maybe you want to start drinking less, drinking smarter, or taking time to do other things. No matter what changes you feel necessary, you will likely make some post-DUI...