How-to Handle a DUI Checkpoint

Have you ever come up on a roadblock for a DUI checkpoint while on the road? Police officers use these checkpoints to spot DUI offenders. These are usually random checks, and often take place late at night or on major roadways. Oftentimes, you will see police officers...

How-to Select a Hard Cider to Drink

Hard cider has certainly gaining popularity lately. This sweet alternative to beer can be a refreshing change for many people. At the stores, you will realize that cider can be made from many types of fruit. On top of that, there are also sweeter and drier options to...

DUI versus DWI: Similarities and Differences

Many people use the acronyms DUI and DWI interchangeably. However, they’re not always equivalent. A DUI versus DWI and vice versa are important distinctions to make. DUI stands for ‘driving under the influence’. On the other hand, DWI stands for ‘driving while...

Avoid Drunk Driving, DUI, and Disaster

When you’re sober, it’s easy to consider the fact that drinking and driving is extremely dangerous and risky. However, once alcohol gets into our system, judgment and reasoning have a tendency to go out the window. Therefore, if we don’t take the right...

Zero-Tolerance Laws: Legal Jargon

All states have laws regarding a “standard” DUI for anyone who is 21 or older. However, since 1988, all state have also had zero-tolerance laws for underage drivers as well. These types of laws come with their own penalties for younger drivers who drink...