
Alcoholic Behaviors

Alcoholism affects people across all spectrums of the population. Rich, poor, male, female, straight, gay, young, old… No matter the person, you have likely been touched by alcoholism in one way or another. Whether your experience be with a parent, a friend, a child,...

Genetic Alcoholism: Family History and Disease

Alcohol abuse is something that many Americans suffer with on a daily basis. Alcohol use disorder is the medical term for alcoholism and abuse. While many people begin drinking on their own, and make the decision to persist in heavy, unhealthy drinking behaviors—...

Alcoholics Anonymous: My Road to Recovery

When you’re suffering from alcoholism, it can be difficult to see that light at the end of the tunnel. You’ve put your family through a large ordeal, and you sometimes wonder how you can make a change for the better. For many people who struggle with alcoholism,...

Alcohol Abuse: Understanding Addiction

Many Americans enjoy casual and social drinking. However, for some, this drinking turns into abuse. Alcohol abuse occurs when someone has a drinking problem, but not an addiction. Knowing the signs of this abuse can help in getting your drinking back on track…...

Low-risk Drinking: Avoiding Alcoholism

Social drinking is an activity that we, as legal age adults, have the opportunity to take advantage of. Whether you do it with friends, family, on holidays, or at sporting events— social drinking, looks a certain way. When you consider your drinking habits, you might...