by Aaron Lee | Dec 17, 2017 | DUI & DWI, Felony DUI
While friends and families like to party during the holidays, have fun but be safe. After all, no one wants to get a holiday party DUI on the way home. So How to Avoid a Holiday Party DUI Because people love to party during Christmas and at New Years, the police are...
by Aaron Lee | Dec 9, 2017 | DUI & DWI, Felony DUI
Because many of our clients are concerned about a DUI background check issues, we will address that topic here. So what is out there on the web? DUI Background Check While your case is open, anyone doing an internet search will find a pending charge. After all, you...
by Aaron Lee | Dec 2, 2017 | Criminal Defense, DUI & DWI
Because most of our clients have never been in trouble before, their DUI mugshots are embarrassing and humiliating. As a result, they want to know what options are available. However, unfortunately everything put on the web stays there forever. So what can you really...
by Aaron Lee | Nov 23, 2017 | DUI & DWI, Felony DUI
While facing a criminal charge, the State has only a certain amount of time to prosecute you. Otherwise, your case is over. However, in North Carolina, the current DUI statute limitations is under debate. So What is the NC DUI Statute Limitations? Because the State...
by Aaron Lee | Nov 19, 2017 | DUI & DWI, Felony DUI
After drinking, you should try to calculate BAC level before driving. And although this will only be a guess, it is about as good as what the police use. While a breath test machine measures in 0.01 increments, it too is really just a best guess. So how do you...