State Jurisdiction: Do the Rules Ever Bend? 

The United States is unique in that we are a nation composed of fifty individual states. These states have their own identities, governments, laws, agencies, and officials. As a result of the way we do things, the Federal government does not have the right to impose...

The Benefits Of Remaining Silent During DUI Stop

When you’re involved in a DUI stop, you might not know what your best option is. Do I admit fault? Do I lie? Remaining silent during a DUI stop may be the best option for you. Although an officer may wait to read you your Miranda Warnings, you still have the...

Responsible Beverage Service: Reducing DUI Cases

It’s likely that, a time or two, you’ve been a bit too drunk at the bar and kept going. You’re slurring, staggering, and maybe you just ordered one or two more. Without a second thought, the busy bartenders pours you up a drink, prints your tab, and...

Drunk Driving Excuses: Common DUI Claims

People drink and drive for a number of reasons. Whether they have somewhere to be, didn’t realize how drunk they are, an emergency came up, or whatever it may be. However, there are some consistent drunk driving excuses that come up amongst the masses who are...