
Virtual Support Groups for Addiction

The pandemic has forced people all over the world into isolation. In order to stay safe, we are being asked to stay home. For in-person support groups, this means a big change. Large groups of people are no longer safe. Therefore, in-person support groups for...

How-to Successfully Wear a SCRAM

Watch our video on what a SCRAM is and how it is used. A secure continuous remote alcohol monitor, or SCRAM for short, is a bracelet or monitoring system worn by a DUI offender. This device is tamperproof, and is to be worn by 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This...

How-to Find a Support Group During Covid

For many people struggling with addiction or depression, support groups are vital. But what happens when these support groups are no longer able to meet in person due to the pandemic? Many people have been left without their support network. Covid has been an...

How-to Handle a DUI Checkpoint

Have you ever come up on a roadblock for a DUI checkpoint while on the road? Police officers use these checkpoints to spot DUI offenders. These are usually random checks, and often take place late at night or on major roadways. Oftentimes, you will see police officers...