Personal Support Network

Having others support you is key for if you want to get sober. However, not many people know how or why to start building their personal support network. In fact, this network can provide help in multiple ways… Personal Support Network: Reaching Sobriety Goals...

Alcohol’s Effect on Your Mouth: The Risks

Not many people think about alcohol’s effect on your mouth. While you may not think of excessive alcohol consumption impacting your mouth, it certainly does. In fact, it can affect many parts of your body. Alcohol’s Effect on Your Mouth: Negative Side-Effects Saliva...

Plain View and DUI: Did I Incriminate Myself?

An officer stops you for a simple violation, no big deal. They talk to you about your taillight and suggest an auto shop. But, the tide changes quickly. How much have you had to drink tonight? Where are you headed? You follow the beam of his light to the empty beer...

Refusing Drinks: How to Say ‘No’

When going out with friends, they may have expectations for you to drink. Most of us think we got over our days of peer pressure in middle school, but pressure from adults occurs too. Friends may coax you into drinking by offering to buy or saying you’ve lost a step...