American Institute of Criminal Law AttorneysAmerican Institute of Criminal Law Attorneys

The American Institute of Criminal Law Attorneys (IOCLA) has inducted Robert J. Reeves into “10 Best” attorneys in North Carolina. More specifically, he is recognized for his “client satisfaction in the practice of Criminal Law.” To be included, a member must be “formally nominated by the Board, clients, and/or a fellow attorney.” They must also “have an impeccable Client Satisfaction rating.” Once submitted for review, the Board of Regents “thoroughly researches each candidate and the list is narrowed down to pick the “10 Best” for a given geographic area.

While Mr. Reeves is understandably honored, he always strives to provide the best service he can to clients. In addition to consistently improving his knowledge and experience, Mr. Reeves is personally available by phone or email. As a result, many new clients are initially surprised when they call and get to speak with a lawyer. Because many of our clients get in trouble on weekends and holidays, that’s when they need us the most. Rather, they are looking for answers about their charge and what they are facing. Hence, no one wants to wait until Monday morning to get a call back.

In addition to being available, we also put substantive content on our websites through articles, eBooks, and instructional videos. Consequently, people can read and watch these materials as often as they want. Then, they can call Aaron Lee for more specific answers to their questions. After all, that’s why we are here. This is what we do. Call us today and let’s start your criminal defense. 704-351-7979 or email