If you are wondering if you are allergic to alcohol, the answer is most likely, no. A true allergy to alcohol is rare, but what is more common is an allergy to other ingredients in alcoholic drinks. Alcohol intolerance is also more common than allergies. If you feel allergic symptoms when drinking, you should go to the doctor to have an allergy test. If they do diagnose you with an alcohol allergy, you’ll most likely need to stop drinking altogether. While it’s not a very common allergen, you need to be careful about getting tested. A true allergic reaction can be quite dangerous or even cause anaphylaxis.

Am I Allergic to Alcohol? Allergies vs Intolerance

Alcohol Allergy

Being allergic to alcohol itself is quite rare. What many people think is an alcohol allergy is a reaction to other ingredients in their drinks. For example, wheat, barley, rye, hops, and grapes. Common allergic reactions are breaking out into hives, swelling of the face, itchy eyes, and nausea. If you are struggling to breathe, it’s a medical emergency and you need to dial 911.

Alcohol Intolerance

Many people who think they are allergic to alcohol have an intolerance. An allergy means that the body overreacts to an allergen and produces too many antibodies. This helps the body fight off the ”attack.” In an intolerance, the body’s digestive system doesn’t process alcohol properly. Many people with alcohol intolerance begin to feel warm in the face, turn red, or get nauseous when they drink.

How to Diagnose

The only way to find out for sure whether or not you’re allergic to alcohol is to go to your doctor. They can diagnose you with an allergy or an intolerance. In addition, they’ll likely test you for other common allergens. For example, they’ll test you for allergies to other common ingredients in alcoholic beverages so you can know for sure if it’s the alcohol or something else. For example, many beers have wheat, so if you’re allergic to wheat you might be fine drinking wine.


There isn’t any treatment available if you are allergic to alcohol. Instead, the best course of action is to simply refrain from drinking altogether. Otherwise, you risk a serious allergic reaction like anaphylactic shock or even death. Allergies should never be taken lightly. If your allergy is actually to a different ingredient, you might be able to switch drinks. Read ingredients carefully to make sure that the foods you’re eating do not contain alcohol.

If you are allergic to alcohol, it’s important to find out for sure by having your doctor give you an allergy test. True alcohol allergies are quite rare, so it’s more likely that you have an intolerance. An allergy means that your body thinks alcohol is a threat. Intolerance means that your digestive system cannot handle the alcohol. In either case, you might look out for symptoms like hives, itchiness, and trouble breathing. If you experience these, go to the doctor to find out if you are allergic to alcohol or maybe to something else in your drink. If you do have a true allergy, it’s best to stop drinking altogether. Make sure to be careful around alcohol if you suspect that you have an allergy because allergic reactions can be incredibly dangerous or even deadly.