Alcohol-related weight gain is very common because there are several ways that alcohol affects your body. One reason why you might gain weight is that alcohol contains a lot of calories and sugar. It can also slow down your metabolism. As anybody who has been drinking late at night knows, alcohol also makes you hungry. And finally, hangovers can also add to weight gain because you often want comfort food when feeling bad. All in all, alcohol has many negative effects on your body. However, weight gain is one that sometimes gets overlooked. If you are having difficulties with your weight, consider taking a closer look at your alcohol intake.

Alcohol-Related Weight Gain: Why Drinking Can Cause Weight Issues


Alcohol-related weight gain can be caused by many things. However, one of the main reasons why drinking can make you increase in weight is because alcohol contains a lot of calories. A standard beer contains about 150 calories on average. Two beers have around the same number of calories as one cheeseburger. It’s easy to forget that alcohol contains this many calories because it doesn’t fill you up the way that solid food does. But your body certainly knows.


Another reason why you might have alcohol-related weight gain is that alcohol can affect your metabolism. When you drink alcohol, your body prioritizes metabolizing the alcohol above all else. This means that fat and sugar don’t get metabolized as quickly. This can lead to them being absorbed into the body and increase your weight.


Alcohol-related weight gain can also happen because drinking makes you hungry. It’s the reason why you crave a whole bag of tacos after a night out drinking at the bar. Alcohol sends your body into starvation mode, so your brain sends you signals that you want to eat. And because alcohol inhibits your decision-making, you give in.


Finally, one last reason for alcohol-related weight gain is the hangovers from drinking. Hangovers feel terrible and can drain your body and your mind. When you feel that bad, you often want to eat comfort food. And for most people, comfort food is high in fat and calories. Not to mention that all you’d like to do is lay in bed all day with a hangover.

Alcohol-related weight gain is very common. Alcohol affects your body in many ways. Several of these contribute to your weight. Alcohol is a huge source of calories and sugar. In addition, it’s difficult to keep track of the calories because as you keep drinking, you pay less attention. Also, alcohol can affect your metabolism and make your body prioritize alcohol over fat. It can also lead your brain to go into starvation mode, which makes you hungrier. And finally, the hangover you might get from a night out drinking can also lead to you filling up on calorie-rich comfort foods. All in all, alcohol can negatively impact your body in many ways, but weight gain is very likely if you are a heavy drinker.