There are plenty of myths surrounding alcohol. Many people stick to certain drinking habits and practices, believing them to be true. However, this can lead you to have some unsafe drinking habits. So, it’s important to know what’s fact and what’s false when it comes to these alcohol myths. 

Alcohol Myths: Understanding Your Beverage

Myth #1: I Can Sober Up Quickly 

One of the most common alcohol myths is the idea that you can sober up quickly. Many people believe they can drink all night, then rapidly become sober enough to drive. For instance, some people may drink black coffee, take cold showers, or eat greasy food. However, none of these alcohol myths will actually help you sober up, though you may feel a little more alert. Instead, only time and rest will help you become sober. 

Myth #2: Beer Before Liquor, Never Been Sicker 

Many people believe that the type and order of alcohol you drink, makes you sick. For instance, the phrase says that drinking beer, then switching to liquor will make for an uneasy stomach. However, how muchyou drink has more to do with how sick you become. If you drink a lot, especially in a short amount of time, you can bet you’ll become nauseous. 

Myth #3: Blacking Out Isn’t a Big Deal

For those that drink past their limits, they may find themselves blacking out. This occurs when someone drinks too much, then eventually just falls asleep. However, this isn’t a normal sleep. Instead, it takes place because alcohol has slowed down the person’s breathing and heart rate.This can be dangerous, since some extreme cases can cause the breathing to stop completely. When it comes to alcohol myths, it’s important to realize that blacking out isn’t normal or safe. It indicates that a person has had far too much to drink and is reaching dangerous levels of intoxication. 

 Myth #4: I Can Still Manage to Drive

Possibly the most dangerous of all alcohol myths, many people believe they are still okay to drive after just a few drinks. However, alcohol affects each person differently. This means many people will become too intoxicated to drive safely, sometimes after just two drinks. Therefore, it’s important to know your own limits and responses to alcohol. In doing so, you can avoid a DWI or a dangerous drunk driving accident.