If you have a loved one struggling with alcohol abuse, you might be wondering the best way to help them. Many people choose to stage an alcohol intervention. However, it’s important to remember that this is a delicate situation. If you know the correct way to go about staging an intervention then you will be more successful. Just remember that an intervention is meant to help your loved one and not meant as a way to bring shame or let out your anger.

Alcohol Intervention: How to Help Your Loved One Who is Struggling With Alcohol Abuse

What is an Alcohol Intervention

An alcohol intervention is a meeting between somebody that is struggling with alcohol and their loved ones. The end goal is to show the person how their drinking has affected others and get them help. Often, substance abuse means that people cannot see situations very clearly. The alcoholic might not be able to see how much their drinking is hurting others. The intervention will give everybody a chance to speak their truth and help the alcoholic to seek professional help.

Why Stage an Intervention?

An alcohol intervention can be used when other attempts have failed at getting a loved one to stop drinking. There are many long term negative effects of alcohol abuse, and sometimes family members just hate to see their loved ones going down that road. An intervention is a possible way of reaching through and connecting with that person and hopefully getting them help. Recovering alcoholics do better when they have support from family and friends. An intervention is a way of ensuring that the alcoholic knows that they have support when they do decide to get help.

How to Stage an Intervention

The most important thing to remember when staging an alcohol intervention is to seek professional help. Call a trained intervention counselor or mental health professional. They can be a part of planning. You’ll probably have several planning sessions with them to let everybody practice what they plan to say. Before the intervention, look at rehab programs that might be options for the alcoholic. The person with the substance abuse problem can even be a part of the planning and be aware of when the intervention is going to be. It doesn’t have to be a surprise. Once the counselor has guided you through the intervention, remember to follow up with your loved one so they know that you support them in their recovery. Remember not to use the intervention as a way to show anger or embarrass them, or to force them into rehab.

Staging an alcohol intervention can be an overwhelming task. But calling in a professional to guide you is the first step. After that, they’ll help you organize the details of the intervention. Follow up with your loved ones and offer them support however you can. Hopefully, you’ll be successful and help your loved ones see how much damage their drinking is doing to those around them. Just don’t be discouraged if they are not open to the idea of rehab at first. It can take several tries before an intervention is successful.