North Carolina lawmakers are working hard to enact tougher penalties for intoxicated drivers. In total 17 bills have been filed this year. So far four of these bills have advanced to the Senate from the House. One of the Senate bills has passed and is now in the House. Two bills that are in the House are aimed at increasing penalties after a second DWI conviction. These bills would make a second DWI conviction a habitual offense which is classified as a Class F felony. A Class F felony attaches a minimum one year prison sentence.
One of the bills currently in the house would permit a hospital to test blood of someone accused of DWI. This bill passed the House in March but is still awaiting a hearing in the Senate. Another bill that is in the house bans drinking in law enforcement and emergency service vehicles. This bill is still in the House Judiciary Committee.
If you should find yourself in a situation where you have been charged with a DWI you need to contact an attorney who has the experience and knowledge necessary to handle your case with the care it deserves. For a private, confidential consultation with one of our experienced DWI lawyers, please call 704-499-9000 or toll-free 877-374-5999 even on weekends or holidays. Visit our main page here.